Parallel Video Analytics

What is a good video surveillance recording system ? Is it simply a system that provides storage capacity, reliability and redundancy ? Certainly not. At least not only. Indeed these qualities are necessary but the ability of the recording system to help finding near real-time events or forensic events is key. Too much time is […]

Parallel Video Analytics Lire la suite »

Artificial Intelligence is not superseeding nor augmenting, it is bridging

Source:   AI is bridging the gap between edge and central operators reconciling field operators with human decision centres fueled by human-machine cooperation. … Artificial Intelligence is not superseeding nor augmenting, it is bridgingLire la suite »

Artificial Intelligence is not superseeding nor augmenting, it is bridging Lire la suite »

Design Thinking applied to new services in Public Safety

“We are moving to a new age of predictive policing where officers will work alongside machines to gather and analyse data to support police investigations and operations, ultimately helping to prevent and reduce crime and enhance security.” Source: … Design Thinking applied to new services in Public SafetyLire la suite »

Design Thinking applied to new services in Public Safety Lire la suite »

WISIWYS© or generalised video presence

Dashcams, lightcams, bodycams, nannycams, refcams, dronecams, transported or wearable, smartphones, connected cameras: What I See Is What You See (WISIWYS) What is really announcing the French Prime Minister decision to systematize bodycams usage by French police forces, else than the new era of video surveillance, in sync with mobility new usages ? Sensors miniaturization, video encoding progress

WISIWYS© or generalised video presence Lire la suite »

WISIWYS© ou la vidéoprésence généralisée

Dashcams, lightcams, bodycams, nannycams, refcams, dronecams, caméras embarquées sur des véhicules ou portées sur les vêtements, téléphones, appareils photos connectés: What I See Is What You See (WISIWYS) Qu’annonce la récente résolution du premier Ministre français de généraliser l’usage des « caméras piétons », sinon une nouvelle ère de la vidéosurveillance, en phase avec les nouveaux usages

WISIWYS© ou la vidéoprésence généralisée Lire la suite »

Parallel Video Analytics

What is a good video surveillance recording system ? Is it simply a system that provides storage capacity, reliability and redundancy ? Certainly not. At least not only. Indeed these qualities are necessary but the ability of the recording system to help finding near real-time events or forensic events is key. Too much time is

Parallel Video Analytics Lire la suite »